Friday, March 20, 2009

Krishna Express - Food management

Leaders from Warangal made breakfast arrangements. They delivered more than sixty packets and few hungry people were able to take second serving. Kiran garu made food arrangements for only 35 people according to his original calculations. We needed at least twenty more parcels and had to order second time. It was like couple of hours between two orders. Lot of people were hungry. We delivered them first to all ladies, some leaders and media people.

As the news about shortage of food started spreading, people started gathering around food and some people are collecting two packets for their friends. We had to control them to sit in their seats and explain what was going on. Pruna garu became belligerent on few volunteers and asked them to show restraint and cop cooperate. Overall the incident reminded me that we are living for food. It also gave me chance to know who are really capable volunteers who are good enough to keep their hunger aside and delivered food to others and physically fit under extreme heat and lack of food. We had snacks and fruits and so they helped to manage in between the food schedules.

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